Saturday, 26 October 2013


I've never completely understood how or why every private school girl on the planet shares the same attitudes, behaviours and intentions of every other. I'm almost certain that if extra terrestrial life was discovered on an exoplanet in the far off universe, the private school girls that reside on that exoplanet would have exactly the same attitudes, behaviours and intentions of ever catty private school girl on Earth.

The school that incarcerates me has a population of about 1000 girls. FYI, that creates a median of about 500 bitch fights a day. I like to call it Hell. On some days, I wake up, entreat to not attend the prison, am defeated, enter the hell hole and wish I was chilling with Hades or Lucifer. 

Don't get me wrong, my school is fabulous. My teachers can be kind (key words: ''can be") and are very good at filling our heads with copious amounts of information to pass exams and enrich our lives beyond school. The girls inside though, they're a different story. I mean, we're ranked very high up in the State for our results and we get assortments of awards and recognition and superficial ranks like that. Which realistically only make our chins go even further up our arses. Essentially, we're stuck up and we're proud of it. But internally, away from teachers eyes, it's practically nightmarish.

So, academically, I love my school. I honestly, really do. My education is the sole reason for my existence. Without it, I probably would be dead 16 times all for various reasons in which the lessons that caused my survival were learnt in school.

Having said all of this, the primary purpose of this blog is to complain. Not to brag about academic achievements of my school, but to whinge to my little 16 year old hearts content about my high school and the contents within. Realistically, my worries consist of whether or not my family has completed the morning's sodoku without me being able to copy it out, or if I'll exist for long enough to read every single Sherlock Holmes book, or if I've put so much guacamole on my taco that'll it'll want to plummet off. Seriously, if they're the extent of my worries, my life is so beyond brilliant and fortunate and beautiful and wow honestly in retrospect, my life is fantastic.

I am in the final term of my second last year of school. My 13th year of school will be full of procrastination, study attempts and an abundance of cramming of literature, equations, texts, technical Latin names and well, the list goes on.

This blog is a vent attempt to stop my brain from slipping in to a pyschosis.


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